Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Pinky Promise / No Randoms Movement!

I am soooooo excited about this new movement I have joined.  Its called the Pinky Promise / No Randoms Movement and I have been selected to be a rep for Atlanta.  Now what does this all mean??  Let me explain.  There is a young woman who I admire very much.  I was going through a "breakup" from someone I really liked.  I turned to twitter (yeah I know that sounds crazy) for my inspiration to get over him.  Well, I found @Heatherllove on twitter and her tweets were speaking to me!!  She described what a random was.  The guy that "broke up" with me, me that description.  I kept following her for motivation and encouragement.  This young lady is phenomenal.   Because of her, I have gotten closer to God and I understand and recognize a random.  Ladies and Gentlemen, you do not need a random in your life.  Please read this excerpt below for a definition:

If you're new to what  "RANDOM" is-- let's define it, A Random is defined as a person you KNOW you'll never marry but you date them to fill a void because you're lonely or bored. A random is that ex boyfriend that is still trying to EMOTIONALLY connect with you and you're married. A random is a co-worker that is switching' all hard in your face trying to get your attention. A random is a unhealthy relationship. This could also go for friendships as well. It's that person you KNOW is messy & gossips about everyone..but you still hang around them.  - Heather Lindsey

Now that you know what a random is, I challenge you to recognize the randoms in your life and REMOVE THEM!  As a Pinky Promise Rep, it is up to me to spread this and encourage others.  Please continue to follow my blog for more info.

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