Friday, August 17, 2012

BEAUTY TIP: No more oil

I have to share this beauty tip for my ladies with oily skin.  I have tried every product that guarantees a "matte finish" or "keeps you oil free for hours."  This product is not only affordable but it works.  Its Milk of Magnesia.  Yep, thats right.  Good ol' Milk of Magnesia.  All you need to do is head to your local drugstore or Target, and pick up the plain Milk of Magnesia.  Not flavored.
Apply to clean and moisturized skin (after your skin care routine).  You can apply via cotton balls or a basic $1 Elf make up brush.  Apply evenly and let it set.  You will probably see a white residue which is good.  It means that it is soaking up the oil.  Then apply your foundation or powder.

I have recommended this to my closest friends and they LOVE it.  For my beauties who do not wear make up and still want to control oil, I would suggest maybe doing a light application so that the white paste like film does not show.  Let me know how it goes.

Here's to a shine free face.  Thank you Milk of Magnesia!!!

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