Okay single ladies.....have you ever met a guy, exchanged numbers and then looked forward to receiving his phone call but instead received a text? One text is fine, but the brotha proceeds to have a full blown conversation with you via text. At this point he becomes your "text boo." Oh, and kudos to you if you finally make it out on a date with him via a text invite. LOL So, what's a girl to do if she is in this situation? How many texts do I have to go thru before I get asked out? Does he even know how to talk?
Technology has hindered our communication skills with one another and it is very unfortunate for the daters out here. Sure, texting is good for a quick check in or a "How's your day?" or "Running late, be there in 5." Healthy relationships need to good ol' fashion conversation. So, a suggestion for you ladies actually comes from one of my Twitter followers who suggested that the woman (after a few texts from the guy) simply pick up the phone and CALL HIM! I tried this a few weeks ago and the guy was pleasantly surprised. I explained that I didn't want to have a full text convo and that talking would be good. He explained that he didn't know if I was busy or not, blah, blah, blah. If you break the ice and make that initial call, but he does not return the favor with a phone call back, he may not be interested or may not be the one you want to deal with.
Men, we WANT you to pick up the phone and call us. If we are busy, we wont answer. Simple as that. Stop hiding behind your text messages when you first meet a woman. Remember. If we gave you our number, we want to hear from you.
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